Sixth Grade Math IEP Goal Bank

Find free, CCS-aligned IEP number sense goals covering grade 6 math-- with modification ideas and sample baselines!

6th Grade IEP Goals for Word Problems, Computation, and Algebra

Yep. This is a hodge-podge! 6th grade Common Core standards are pretty narrow. These are all standards that you can broaden a bit to focus on skills like solving word problems or engaging in computations.

This standard can be used for either a straight fractions goal or for a word problem goal depending on what parts you keep or cut. 

  • Interpret and compute quotients of fractions, and solve word problems involving division of fractions by fractions, e.g., by using visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.NS.A.1

This goal hits on both word problem knowledge and ability to divide by fractions. For students for whom this standard is a stretch, you can break the assessments in half. First assess what the student can broadly do with word problems– can they solve one or two step? With what operations? Then assess their knowledge of fractions– can they add and subtraction like fractions? Unlike? What about multiplication and division? Then you can try one division of fractions word problem, but it is likely that the success rate will be zero, which is why you want the other information.

Looking for easy-to-use assessment resources or support with turning assessments into goals and present levels? Check out the IEP Success Kit in the store!

For a straight fractions goal: Skylar can add and subtraction like fractions but needs significant adult support to add and subtract unlike fractions. Skylar is not yet able to solve multiplication and division of fractions problems.

For a word problem goal: Skylar can solve one step word problems with addition and subtraction with 75% accuracy and one step word problems with multiplication and division of whole numbers with 33% accuracy. When fractions are included in the problem, Skylar is unsure what to do and will often refuse to complete the problem or guess.

Straight Fractions Goal

  • Given ten problems and a visual reminder of the steps for dividing fractions, X will interpret and compute quotients of fractions with 80% accuracy as measured by teacher records and observations.  CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.NS.A.1

Word Problem Goal

  • Given five problems and the steps for how to divide fractions, X will  solve one-step word problems involving division of fractions by fractions with 80% accuracy CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.NS.A.1
  • Add supports for the student
    • Given instruction in word problem strategies and a visual reminder of steps,
    • Given step by step directions on how to divide fractions,
    • Given a calculator,
  • Change the accuracy or number of trials
    • with 80% accuracy as measured by teacher records and observations
    • on two of three opportunities
    • on three of four opportunities
  • Change what the student is asked to do
    • one- and two-step word problems
    • one-step word problems
    • two-step word problems
    • one-step word problems involving the division of fractions by fractions and the multiplication of fractions (NB: you can also include integers in there too!)
    • interpret and computer quotients of fractions and of whole numbers (or add in other computation too!)

This is the most straight forward standard for 6th grade– and one that is easy to layer other computations onto!

  • Fluently divide multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.NS.B.2

This is good to use as a catch-all for students who need to work on whole number computations. In addition to assessing what students can divide (whole numbers only, decimals, problems with remainders, problems with no remainders), you can also use it to talk about a student’s addition, subtraction, and multiplication of whole numbers skills.

Looking for easy-to-use assessment resources or support with turning assessments into goals and present levels? Check out the IEP Success Kit in the store!

Skylar can add and subtract up to three-digit numbers, including across zeros, with 75% accuracy. Given a multiplication chart, he can solve multi-digit by single-digit multiplication problems with 80% accuracy and long division problems with no remainders and a single digit quotient with 50% accuracy. 


  • Given ten problems and a hundreds chart, X will fluently divide multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm as measured by teacher records and observations CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.NS.B.2
  • Add supports for the student
    • Given a visual reminder of steps,
    • Given a multiplication chart,
    • Given a calculator,
  • Change the accuracy or number of trials
    • with 80% accuracy as measured by teacher records and observations
    • on two of three opportunities
    • on three of four opportunities
  • Change what the student is asked to do
    • divide up to three-digit numbers by single digit divisors using the standard algorithm
    • divide multi-digit numbers having whole number quotients using the standard algorithm 

This is the most straight forward of the algebra standards– and it can be tweaked to work on more basic computation skills as well.

  • Write, read, and evaluate expressions in which letters stand for numbers. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.EE.A.2

To do just the goal, present the student with basic algebra problems like t + 5 = 12 and see what they do. You can also test them on writing them by saying something like “Timmy’s sister had 5 more dollars than him. If she had 12 dollars, how many dollars did he have?” If the student can write that, they can write an expression! However, 6th grade doesn’t have a lot of standards that double for basic computation. This one does so you can also add in your computation assessments if you are worried about a student’s skills in that area.

Looking for easy-to-use assessment resources or support with turning assessments into goals and present levels? Check out the IEP Success Kit in the store!

You can do just an assessment of the standard or make it broader.

Just the standard:

Given one variable expressions with just addition, like x +5 = 12, manipulatives, and prompts, Juanita can solve for x with 50% accuracy. 

Standard Plus:

Juanita can solve addition and subtraction problems with regrouping with 75% accuracy. She can solve two digit by one digit multiplication problems with 80% accuracy given a multiplication chart but needs support to solve long division and division fact problems without a calculator. She is not yet able to solve algebraic expressions.

Just algebra

  • Given direct instruction in mathematics and ten algebraic expressions with addition and subtraction (e.g., x+5=12), X will evaluate expressions in which letters stand for numbers with 80% accuracy as measured by teacher records and observations CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.EE.A.2

Algebra and computation

  • Given direct instruction in mathematics and ten algebraic expressions involving multi-digit addition and subtraction (e.g., x+105=1200), X will evaluate expressions in which letters stand for numbers with 80% accuracy as measured by teacher records and observations CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.EE.A.2
  • Add supports for the student
    • Given a visual reminder of steps,
    • Given a multiplication chart,
    • Given a calculator,
  • Change the accuracy or number of trials
    • with 75% accuracy as measured by teacher records and observations
    • on two of three opportunities
    • on three of four opportunities
  • Change what the student is asked to do
    •  algebraic expressions with multiplication and division facts (e.g., 5x=30)
    •  algebraic expressions with multi-digit addition and subtraction (e.g., x+103=1300)
    • X will write expressions in which letters stand for numbers

6th Grade IEP Goals for Graphing and Unit Conversions

The Common Core has some  standards for writing number recognition, number writing, place value, and general number sense IEP goals for Kinder to 5th grade. Each needs to be modified to focus on the component of number sense your student needs, but overall, they work well for IEPs.

This is a straight graphing standard– but graphing is an essential skill for middle and high school mathematics, so it is worth a goal! You can also modify this to make it really accessible for students.

  • Solve real-world and mathematical problems by graphing points in all four quadrants of the coordinate plane. Include use of coordinates and absolute value to find distances between points with the same first coordinate or the same second coordinate. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.NS.C.8

The easiest way to assess for this goal is to give a student a blank, four coordinate graph grid and ask them to plot a few points. If that is too hard, give them just the positive/positive quadrant and try again. If that is too hard, see if they know which axis is X and which is Y. Then try labelling the axes and the points (x=2, y =3) If it is too easy, try having them find distances– or just find a different goal to work on!

Looking for easy-to-use assessment resources or support with turning assessments into goals and present levels? Check out the IEP Success Kit in the store!

Sam can plot positive/positive points like 3,2 on a coordinate plane if the axes are labelled and the points are also labelled (like x=3 and y=2) with 66% accuracy. If there are numbers missing or names of axes missing on the grid or if the points are not labelled with which is x or y, Sam’s accuracy drops below 50%. 

  • Given direct instruction on graphing and a coordinate plane with the axes labelled, X will solve mathematical problems by graphing points in all four quadrants of the coordinate plane, as measured by his/her ability to plot positive and negative ordered pairs with 80% accuracy according to teacher records and observations CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.NS.C.8
  • Add supports for the student
    • Given a visual reminder of steps,
    • Given a multiplication chart,
    • Given a calculator,
  • Change the accuracy or number of trials
    • with 75% accuracy as measured by teacher records and observations
    • on two of three opportunities
    • on three of four opportunities
  • Change what the student is asked to do
    •  algebraic expressions with multiplication and division facts (e.g., 5x=30)
    •  algebraic expressions with multi-digit addition and subtraction (e.g., x+103=1300)
    • X will write expressions in which letters stand for numbers

This goal is a really useful life skills goal. You can use it for all sorts of things like fractions and volume– but it also works for going from teaspoons to tablespoons and other pragmatic skills! Given how few K-5 goals work for lifeskills, this is a super helpful standard to have in sixth grade.

  • Use ratio reasoning to convert measurement units; manipulate and transform units appropriately when multiplying or dividing quantities. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.RP.A.3.D

The assessments depend on which part of the goal is most useful for the student. For a student who is really working on lifeskills, you might want to work with an actual recipe and see if they can figure out whether a teaspoon or tablespoon is bigger or measure amounts. For students who just need more support with real world mathematics, you can see how they do doubling a recipe– or on a worksheet of volumes and quantities.

Looking for easy-to-use assessment resources or support with turning assessments into goals and present levels? Check out the IEP Success Kit in the store!

Given a recipe that calls for 1/2 a tbsp of one ingredient, 1/4 a cup of another, and 1 1/2 tsp of a third, and asked to double it, Sam can add two of each measurement to the recipe if he is handed the write measuring tools. He cannot independently convert from 1/2 tbsp to 1 tbsp or from teaspoons to tablespoons. 

  • Given a recipe with teaspoon, tablespoon, and cup measurements, X will manipulate and transform units appropriately when multiplying, as measured by his/her ability to double the recipe on paper with 80% accuracy on the new measurements, according to teacher records and observations CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.RP.A.3.D
  • Add supports for the student
    • Given a visual reminder of steps,
    • Given a multiplication chart,
    • Given two or fewer teacher reminders and prompts,
  • Change the accuracy or number of trials
    • with 75% accuracy as measured by teacher records and observations
    • on two of three opportunities
    • on three of four opportunities
  • Change what the student is asked to do
    • double the recipe using actual ingredients and measurement tools
    • triple the recipe
    • divide the recipe in half

Note that you can also change this to be about building like….

    • Given a diagram of a rectangle with inches and feet labelled, X will manipulate and transform units appropriately when multiplying, as measured by his/her ability to double the size of the rectangle with 80% accuracy on the new measurements, according to teacher records and observations CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.RP.A.3.D