Site & District Plans

Interested in licensing our resources for your site or district? See below to learn more.

Available Resources

K-12 IEP Goals

At the K-12 level we offer:

  • PDF IEP Goal Banks for Academic Goals
  • Custom Academic Goal Creators
    • The digital goal creator allows teachers to create individualized, Common Core aligned IEP goals in seconds in reading, writing, and mathematics. Visit the demo site to try it! Please email for the page password.
  • PDF Socioemotional Goal Bank
    • The socioemotional goal bank includes over 30 actionable, easy to customize IEP goals on skills such as transportation safety and work completion. 
    • See a demo of the socioemotional goal book here.
  • Custom Socioemotional Goal Creator
    • The digital goal creator allows for rapid customization of IEP goals for teachers to drop into their IEPs.
  • Customization of goals to meet your district needs.
    • Districts vary in the details of how goals should be formatted. We offer customization of all goal banks and digital tools to meet your needs.
K-5 Assessment and Present Levels Tools

At the K-5 level we also offer:

  • A PreK-2 level assessment packet
  • A 3-5 level assessment packet
    • This packet, also available in both a Form A and Form B, has more advanced reading, writing, and mathematics assessments. 
    • See a preview of the Upper Elementary Success Kit here
  • Present levels templates
    • In addition, the K-5 kits include present levels templates that directly correlate to the assessment tools and set up the Common Core aligned goals.
Academic Interventions

Our growing library of academic interventions includes:

  • A systematic, multi-level word problem intervention
    • The 12 word problem workbooks include four levels of computation challenge, from basic addition to long division, with three levels of problem solving difficulty at each computation level.
    • Each workbook has 40 word problems with solutions and page space for showing work.
  • A systematic, multi-level complete sentences and grammar intervention.
    • With four levels, at 120 sentences each, the workbooks systematically move students from editing for a beginning capital to using commas and correcting multi-sentence run ons.
  • A systematic, multi-level computation intervention.
    • With 12 workbooks across four levels, the computation intervention systematically moves students from solving addition and subtraction facts to advanced addition and subtraction, multiplication facts and, in level four, long division.
  • A descriptive writing intervention.
    • With a total of 430 boring sentences for students to edit, this intervention helps students add active verbs, adjectives, and sensory language to their sentences.
  • A writing fluency intervention.
    • With writing prompts for every day of school, this short packet helps students graph their daily progress in writing or typing more words in the assigned time.


Pricing varies based on the number of licenses needed, the resources included, and the amount of customization offered. Please email to learn more.

All licenses for downloadable materials are lifetime licenses. Digital tools are a one year license with a nominal yearly fee after that for continued access. The yearly fee also covers access to new downloadable and digital materials.

Note that plans can be combined.

What it includes:

  • Lifetime access to downloadable IEP goal banks.
  • Downloadable academic and socioemotional goal banks for K-12.
  • A year’s access to the Custom Goal Creator.
  • Continued access to the Goal Creator and new downloadable IEP goal materials at a nominal cost.

Value: 44.98 per teacher


What it includes:

  • All of the digital and downloadable IEP goal banks of the IEP goals package, including:
    • Socioemotional IEP goal creators and downloadable goal bank
    • K-12 Academic IEP goal creators and downloadable goal banks
  • PLUS K-5 IEP writing tools, including:
    • Four versions of reading, writing, and mathematics assessments for K-5
    • Present levels templates that map onto the assessments and IEP goals
    • An accommodations and modifications matrix

Value: 67.46 per K-5 teacher

What it includes:

  • All of the digital and downloadable IEP goal banks of the IEP goals package, including:
    • Socioemotional IEP goal creators and downloadable goal bank
    • K-12 Academic IEP goal creators and downloadable goal banks
  • All of the K-5 IEP writing tools, including:
    • Four versions of reading, writing, and mathematics assessments for K-5
    • Present levels templates that map onto the assessments and IEP goals
    • An accommodations and modifications matrix
  • PLUS downloadable interventions in math and writing for Kinder to 6th grade level mathematicians and writers
    • Lifetime access to:
      • 12 word problem intervention workbooks books
      • 12 computation intervention workbooks
      • 2 grammar and complete sentences workbooks
      • 2 descriptive writing intervention workbooks
      • 1 writing fluency intervention

Value: 149.97 per teacher

Fine print: The interventions were originally designed for K-5. Middle school and high school teachers might find them useful, but should first use the free intervention tests to verify that they are appropriate for the students.