Classroom Success IEP Goals

Browse socio-emotional IEP goals for organization, work completion, attendance, following directions, participation, & social skills!

IEP Goals for Organization, Work Completion, and Following Directions

___ will create and maintain an assignment calendar so that all upcoming assignments are described and listed under the correct dates on three of four random teacher calendar checks.

Need a printable pdf of socio-emotional goals with baseline and present levels tips and modification ideas? Check out the socioemotional goal bank in the store! Now also part of the IEP Success Kit Mega Bundle, with academic goals and assessments!

___ will create and follow through on a plan to keep his/her backpack, locker, and work areas organized so that [the areas pass weekly checks on four out of five weeks; s/he can find needed supplies and materials on four of five opportunities].

____ will come to class with all materials needed for the class (such as: paper, pencils, 1:1 device, textbook, binder) 80% of the time as measured by teacher records and observations.

  • Google calendar or similar: These goals used to focus on paper and pencil calendars that students lost or forgot. But as long as the student has their device, they have their calendar. The trick is to work with a student on setting it up effectively—maybe they need to color code assignments or change reminder timing.
  • For more intervention ideas, check out the socioemotional goal bank in the store!

Given an electronic calendar to record assignments, ____ will write down, complete, and turn in homework assignments so that s/he is turning in 80% or more of assignments on time as measured by teacher records.

Need a printable pdf of socio-emotional goals with baseline and present levels tips and modification ideas? Check out the socioemotional goal bank in the store! Now also part of the IEP Success Kit Mega Bundle, with academic goals and assessments!

When given an academic task at school, such as [a math worksheet; a writing assignment; a book to read; a station activity], ____ will, on 80% of opportunities, begin the assignment within X minutes with no more than X teacher prompts as measured by teacher records and observations.

Given a multi-step task [and a graphic organizer; and a digital planner; and pre-planning time and prompts], ____ will develop a plan that includes the needed materials, the steps required to complete the task, and the priority of each step [and execute the plan; with X or fewer prompts from the teacher; and create a timeline and benchmarks for completion] on three of four opportunities as measured by teacher observations and records.

Given [a self-regulation checklist; a quiet space to work; a visual timer for the activity; noise cancelling headphones] and an independent work task, _____ will work steadily on the task for at least X minutes with X or fewer adult redirections to task on four of five opportunities as measured by teacher records and observations.

  • Contracts are incredibly helpful for time on task and work completion goals! So too are self-regulation strategies that explicitly teach focusing.
  • For more intervention ideas, check out the socioemotional goal bank in the store!

Given a verbal direction, ___ will follow it within X seconds/minutes [with no more than X prompts; with no more than X protests] 80% of the time as measured by teacher observations during two randomly selected class periods.

Need a printable pdf of socio-emotional goals with baseline and present levels tips and modification ideas? Check out the socioemotional goal bank in the store! Now also part of the IEP Success Kit Mega Bundle, with academic goals and assessments!

____ will follow and be able to state the rules for the bus, lunch area, and recess when asked on three of four observations as measured by teacher records.

IEP Goals for School Attendance, Participation, & Social Skills

____ will miss no more than [one, two, other] days of school per month without a note from the doctor as measured by school attendance records

Need a printable pdf of socio-emotional goals with baseline and present levels tips and modification ideas? Check out the socioemotional goal bank in the store! Now also part of the IEP Success Kit Mega Bundle, with academic goals and assessments!

___ will arrive to school on time at least nine of ten school days as measured by school attendance records

___ will miss no more than [X] class periods per week without a medical note as measured by teacher records and observations

  • For refusal to come to school: Look at the opening of the school day. Is there a way to make the first thing the student does fun? Like, if they come a few minutes early can they play a preferred game or see a preferred staff?
  • For more intervention ideas, check out the socioemotional goal bank in the store!

____ will [raise their hand and wait quietly to be called on; follow group discussion rules for getting a turn to speak] on four of five opportunities as measured by self-report and teacher records.

Need a printable pdf of socio-emotional goals with baseline and present levels tips and modification ideas? Check out the socioemotional goal bank in the store! Now also part of the IEP Success Kit Mega Bundle, with academic goals and assessments!

___ will participate in whole or small group discussions by [raising his/her hand to speak; responding when called on by a teacher; volunteering to speak in class] at least X times per [period, day, week]

  • Calling out and similar behaviors are often impulse control behaviors. If there is a behavioral cause, then a contract can help—but for many students it is more helpful to instead work on impulse control strategies—some version of a stop and think or mindfulness moment can help.
  • For more intervention ideas, check out the socioemotional goal bank in the store!

____ will ask permission before [hugging a peer or adult; touching a peer’s property; touching a peer or adult] on three of four opportunities as measured by teacher records and observations.

Need a printable pdf of socio-emotional goals with baseline and present levels tips and modification ideas? Check out the socioemotional goal bank in the store! Now also part of the IEP Success Kit Mega Bundle, with academic goals and assessments!

During a pre-[recess; lunch] check in, ____ will identify [a peer they would like to play with or talk to; an activity they want to participate in; a peer they would like to sit with] and describe a plan for doing so on three of four opportunities as measured by teacher records.

Given [a pre-activity planning session; a preferred activity; a social story], ___ will [greet at least X peers by name at recess/lunch; initiate a conversation with at least X peers at recess/lunch; engage in cooperative play with at least X peer at recess] at least four times in a week as measured by student self-report and staff observations.

  • To increase recess socialization you can 1) set up a weekly game station in your room; 2) work with school staff to set up a game station outside with preferred games; 3) pre-teach playground games like four square; 4) have a daily pre-recess check in with the student on their plan for the day; 5) set up a socialization incentive and check in post recess
  • For more intervention ideas, check out the socioemotional goal bank in the store!